Toyota Prius Plug-In gets four stars in NHTSA crash test

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Toyota Prius Plug-In gets four stars in NHTSA crash test

Mensagem por mikexilva » 24 jul 2012, 23:01 ... crash-test

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What a difference 120 pounds make.

That's the weight difference between a standard Toyota Prius hatchback and its newer, slightly heavier plug-in hybrid version, and that's the reason why the plug-in didn't match the standard's five-star crash-test rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), according to Green Car Reports.

The Prius Plug-In got a four-star rating because it fell slightly short in frontal-crash and rollover ratings, according to the website. The plug-in performed the same in side-impact testing. Toyota, responding to Green Car Reports' inquiry, said the extra 120 pounds on the plug-in changed how the car was damaged when propelled into barriers used by NHTSA. Still, Toyota said, the occupant-seating positions were the same as with the regular Prius. You can watch two Prius Plug-In crash test videos below.

About three percent of the more than 126,000 Prius vehicles Toyota has sold in the U.S. this year were plug-in versions.

No pole side impact o LEAF parece que não deixou entrar tanto, deve ser pelo reforço em volta da bateria que o LEAF tem na base...

Mas agora com a moda dos tablets deviam testar também o efeito de vários tablets que estejam pousados na chapeleira ao acertar no pescoço de alguem do banco da frente (durante o impacto a cabeça vai à frente e pode levar com um iPad por traz se o embate tiver um ligeiro angulo ) se fizer efeito de lamina nem o AppleCare deve conseguir safar a coisa :P


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